Friday, 17 May 2013

Idea launches ID 920 Android phone with free data and video

Priced at Rs 4,950 the Idea ID 920 comes with a 3 ages Abstracts and Idea TV admixture chargeless for users.
Idea Cellular, adaptable account provider, has appear the barrage of a new Android Smartphone the Idea ID 920 for the customer's beyond the country. The Idea ID 920 is priced at Rs 4,950 and comes arranged with a chargeless 3 ages abstracts and Idea TV access.
Under this action prepaid barter will get 1.6GB of 3G abstracts per ages for 3 months or absolute abstracts on 2G for 3 months depending on the availability in the circle. Aswell the subscribers will be accepting Idea TV Rs 150 backpack chargeless of allegation for 3 months

For Postpaid subscribers there will be 1GB 3G abstracts per bill aeon for 90 canicule or Absolute 2G abstracts per bill aeon for 90 days. One bill aeon is of 30 days. And they will aswell be accepting Idea TV Rs 150 backpack chargeless of allegation for 3 months.
The Idea ID 920 comes with a 3.5 inch capacitive blow affectation with a 320 x 480 pixel resolution. The affectation has been supplemented with the use of a adjacency sensor that turns off the affectation if the accessory is kept adjoin the ear. The Idea ID 920 is powered with a individual amount processor active at 1GHz accompanying with 256 MB of RAM and 100 MB of appliance storage. Aswell there is a 2 GB of accumulator fabricated accessible through a arranged anamnesis card.
The Idea ID 920 is powered with the earlier Google Android Gingerbread operating system.
The Idea ID 920 sports an 2 Megapixel rear camera but no foreground camera so there would not be any advantage to accomplish video calls application this device.
The 3G abstracts action is accessible on a one time rental or recharge of Rs 260 accessible in AP, Gujarat, HP, Haryana, J&K, Kerala, Maharashtra, MP, UP west and east circles. While the absolute 2G abstracts action is accessible adjoin one time rental or recharge of Rs 199 accessible in North East and Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka, Kolkata, West Bengal, Mumbai, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal


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