Increase Alexa Rank of your Blog – 8 Easy Tips

You must have spent sleepless nights asking yourself “How to increase my alexa rank to attract advertisers and sponsors ? ”
There are blogs with Google page rank 4 or 5 with a good amount of traffic, but their alexa rank is still very low, b’cos alexa has nothing to do with Google page rank or the number of visits.
There is an intense debate about the alexa ranking system for blogs and websites. People always complain – I am getting huge traffic everyday but my alexa rank is still not increasing. This happens b’cos alexa considers traffic originating from browsers installed with alexa toolbar only. traffic from browsers without alexa toolbar do not come under alexa ranking algorithm.
In reality, the algorithm of alexa ranking system for blogs and websites is one of the best in the online ranking industry. I will give you 8 easy tips to increase the alexa rank of your blog in a short span of time simply by following the alexa’s ranking algorithm intelligently.
Proven Techniques to Increase Alexa Rank of your Blog
1. Claim you site: By claiming your blog/site you are placing the alexa ID inside the header, thereby allowing alexa to assess your site in a better way. Site description, country name and your profile is most important while claiming. Always use the keywords related to your niche while describing your site. Although not in a big way but it actually helps to increase the alexa rank of your blog.
2. Install the alexa toolbar: Install the alexa toolbar in your favorite browser from your favorite laptop or desktop. Here favorite browser and laptop is most important. You have to update your blog using the same browser on the same laptop every time. It has a significant effect in increasing the alexa rank of your blog.
3. Updates your site frequently: A great way to increase your alexa rank. Alexa love fresh content very much just like Google. A study suggests that updating a blog 7 to 10 times / week help to improve the alexa rank in a big way.
4. Quality content: Alexa also considers the page views, bounce rate and time spent by visitors while ranking. And, unique and fresh content can only force a visitor to spend more time on your blog, thereby increasing the page views. Always stick to your niche, writing blog posts on different subject matter affects the alexa rank adversely.
5. Link building: Alexa counts links. The momentum of your link collection is directly proportional to the increase of your alexa rank. One of the great way to link building is – Content syndication i.e. guest blogging in exchange of back-links. Develope a habbit of guest blogging, at least 1 to 2 quality guest post/week on blogs having Google page rank of 3 or more.
6. Blog commenting: Very surprising, but it works if you do it in a moderation. You must be aware that more than 99% of blogs have NoFollow attribute in their commenting system. It doesn’t help to increase your Google page rank. And, if you do it aggressively for long period then you may be a victim of spam mass by Google. Don’t be afraid. You believe it or not, Google search engine always looks for intention. If you post constructive comments using your meta keywords judiciously, it sends a positive signal and helps to increase your alexa rank.
7. Special blog post for webmasters: Almost all webmasters and blog owners use alexa toolbar in their browser. If you specially write posts for them with optimal search engine optimization then your alexa rank will increase very rapidly. B’cos they will visit your blog from their browsers withe the alexa toolbar install in it.
8. Go for alexa-pro: Yes, go for alexa pro for once. It fine tunes your blog by assessing the exact number of visitors, both organic and referred, as well as direct traffic by typing your blog URL directly in to the browser and traffic from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and StumbleUpon etc.
If you are a serious blogger then don’t involve yourself with any type of link scheme, even stay away from link exchange also. Google detects this very easily and penalize blogs and websites very heavily. Do not try to manipulate alexa rank of your blog by using any type of software. Advertisers are not so fool to be fooled by your high alexa rank without any real quality traffic.
If you want any sort of help to increase the alexa rank of your blog then contact me by dropping a message here with your BLOG URL and Email. I will get back to you ASAP with a solution.
If you have a point or two, how you have increased your alexa rank of your blog then please add below.
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